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# Find Penguins Feed
Quick & dirty tool to turn [Find Penguins]( footprints
into a rss feeds.
There is no storage involved and every call to the feed builds it anew. Because
this is done by web-scraping, it should not be done too often, as you might get
rate limited or blocked.
This was written to track a family member's journey without having to register
or madly refreshing the website all five minutes.
It only needed to work for that specific journey but maybe someone else finds it
# Building
Install [rust]( and run `cargo build --release`. This
gives you a binary `./target/release/findpenguins-feed>` which is directly
# Configuration
Configuration is handled with a confoguration file and/or environment variables.
The configuration file is sourced from the following locations, depending on the
operating system:
- \*nix: `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.config/findpenguins-feed/config.toml`
- Windows: `{FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}/findpenguins-feed/config/config.toml`
- macOS: `$HOME/Library/Preferences/ch.vanwa.findpenguins-feed/config.toml`
## server_address
IP and port the server should listen on.
- default: `[::1]:3000`
## feeds
List of find penguin journeys to track.
- default: `[]`
- env var: `FINDPENGUINS_FEED__FEEDS` (urls are comma separated)
Example configuration file:
server_address = "[::1]:4000"
feeds = [