# Find Penguins Feed Quick & dirty tool to turn [Find Penguins](https://findpenguins.com) footprints into a rss feeds. There is no storage involved and every call to the feed builds it anew. Because this is done by web-scraping, it should not be done too often, as you might get rate limited or blocked. This was written to track a family member's journey without having to register or madly refreshing the website all five minutes. It only needed to work for that specific journey but maybe someone else finds it useful. # Building Install [rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) and run `cargo build --release`. This gives you a binary `./target/release/findpenguins-feed>` which is directly executable. # Configuration Configuration is handled with a confoguration file and/or environment variables. The configuration file is sourced from the following locations, depending on the operating system: - \*nix: `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.config/findpenguins-feed/config.toml` - Windows: `{FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}/findpenguins-feed/config/config.toml` - macOS: `$HOME/Library/Preferences/ch.vanwa.findpenguins-feed/config.toml` ## server_address IP and port the server should listen on. - default: `[::1]:3000` - env var: `FINDPENGUINS_FEED__SERVER_ADDRESS` ## feeds List of find penguin journeys to track. - default: `[]` - env var: `FINDPENGUINS_FEED__FEEDS` (urls are comma separated) Example configuration file: ``` server_address = "[::1]:4000" feeds = [ "https://findpenguins.com/1234/trip/trip-2023", "https://findpenguins.com/1234/trip/trip-2022" ] ```