use actix_web::{delete, web, HttpResponse, Responder, Result}; use bank::account::AccountError; use bank::bank::Bank; use crate::handlers::error::HttpAccountError; use crate::AppState; #[delete("/{nr}")] pub async fn route(info: web::Path, data: web::Data) -> Result { let nr = info.into_inner(); info!("closing account {}...", nr); let bank =; match Bank::account_action(bank, &nr, |account| { // TODO: make the error handling part of the passivate method if account.balance > 0_f64 { Err(AccountError::AccountNotZero) } else if account.passivate() { Ok(0_f64) } else { Err(AccountError::Inactive) } }) { Err(e) => Err(HttpAccountError(e).into()), Ok(_) => Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().finish()), } }