# vesys bank servers and clients Implementations of a simple bank server for the 2022 vesys class at FHNW. Please note that the writer is in no way an experienced or even professional rust developer (hence the cloning everywhere) and most of this was written in a hurry. Parts of the code might sneak into your house in bright daylight and marry your cat to run off with them to Greenland or wherever it is they go for their honeymoon. ## socket-server Use an on-the-fly invented byte protocol. Consult the code for documentation. ## http-server An http implementation, using [actix-web](https://actix.rs/), wanted to try that for a while now. Again, consult the code for information on how the routes work. ## http-client An experimental client for the http-server, built with rust, [yew](https://yew.rs/) and the power of web assembly. First time I am trying this, there is probably even more wrong with it than with the server implementations. # Usage ## Servers Run it like you would with any [cargo workspace](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch14-03-cargo-workspaces.html) project. For example, starting the http-server variant, with debug logging and compiled in release mode: ``` RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --release --bin http-server ``` ## http client [Trunk](https://trunkrs.dev/) is used for wasm bundling. Local development with auto-reload: ``` trunk serve ``` Build for release (the built artifacts can be found in `dist`): ``` trunk build --release ``` # Releases Release binaries are built for multiple architectures (always statically compiled): - x86_64-unknown-linux-musl (needs ``) - aarch64-unknown-linux-musl (needs `aarch64-linux-musl-gcc` and `aarch64-linux-musl-gcc`) - x86_64-pc-windows-gnu (needs `x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc`) - wasm32-unknown-unknown (needed for the http-client) These are the target triplet names as they are used by rustup (add them with `rustup target add $TARGET`). To make it more convenient to build, a makefile is provided. Use the following targets for it: - linux-x86_64-musl - linux-aarch64-musl - windows-gnu - http-client The `default` and `all` targets build all of them. After a successful build, everything is copied into the `release` folder.