Sebastian Hugentobler 47525f364d initial commit
2014-04-03 09:15:25 +02:00

31 lines
2.0 KiB
Executable File

local assert, pairs, type, tostring, setmetatable = assert, pairs, type, tostring, setmetatable
local baseMt, _instances, _classes, class = {}, setmetatable({},{__mode='k'}), setmetatable({},{__mode='k'})
local function deep_copy(t, dest, aType)
local t, r = t or {}, dest or {}
for k,v in pairs(t) do
if aType and type(v)==aType then r[k] = v elseif not aType then
if type(v) == 'table' and k ~= "__index" then r[k] = deep_copy(v) else r[k] = v end
end; return r
local function instantiate(self,...)
assert(_classes[self],'new() should be called from a class.')
local instance = deep_copy(self) ; _instances[instance] = tostring(instance); setmetatable(instance,self)
if self.__init then if type(self.__init) == 'table' then deep_copy(self.__init, instance) else self.__init(instance, ...) end; end; return instance
local function extends(self,extra_params)
local heir = {}; _classes[heir] = tostring(heir); deep_copy(extra_params, deep_copy(self, heir));
heir.__index, heir.super = heir, self; return setmetatable(heir,self)
baseMt = { __call = function (self,...) return self:new(...) end, __tostring = function(self,...)
if _instances[self] then return ('object(of %s):<%s>'):format((rawget(getmetatable(self),'__name') or '?'), _instances[self]) end
return _classes[self] and ('class(%s):<%s>'):format((rawget(self,'__name') or '?'),_classes[self]) or self
class = function(attr)
local c = deep_copy(attr) ; _classes[c] = tostring(c);
c.include = function(self,include) assert(_classes[self], 'Mixins can only be used on classes.'); return deep_copy(include, self, 'function') end, c.extends, c.__index, c.__call, c.__tostring = instantiate, extends, c, baseMt.__call, baseMt.__tostring; = function(self, kind) local super; while true do super = getmetatable(super or self) ; if super == kind or super == nil then break end ; end;
return kind and (super == kind) end; return setmetatable(c,baseMt)
end; return class