77 lines
2.1 KiB
77 lines
2.1 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import re
lily_template = """
\chapter {[[title]]}
~\\ ~\\
def find_ly_files(path='./scores'):
lilyfiles = []
for found_file in os.listdir(path):
if found_file.endswith(".ly"):
filepath = os.path.join(path, found_file)
return lilyfiles
def build_songmap(lilyfiles, lyric_folder='./lyrics'):
songmap = []
for scorefile in lilyfiles:
filename_with_ext = os.path.basename(scorefile)
filename = os.path.splitext(filename_with_ext)[0]
lyricfile = os.path.join(lyric_folder, "{0}.tex".format(filename))
title = find_title(scorefile)
# for windows systems
scorefile = scorefile.replace('\\', '/')
lyricfile = lyricfile.replace('\\', '/')
songmap.append({'scorefile': scorefile, 'lyricfile': lyricfile, 'title': title })
return songmap
def find_title(scorefile):
with open(scorefile) as opened_file:
score = opened_file.read()
title = re.findall('title = "(.*)"', score)
return title[0]
def build_lytex(base_template, songmap):
lilychapters = []
for song in sorted(songmap, key=lambda k: k['scorefile']):
lilychapter = lily_template.replace('[[title]]', song['title'])
lilychapter = lilychapter.replace('[[scorefile]]', song['scorefile'])
lilychapter = lilychapter.replace('[[lyricfile]]', song['lyricfile'])
lilychapters_string = create_lilychapter_string(lilychapters)
with open(base_template) as opened_file:
template = opened_file.read()
template = template.replace('\\musicbooklet', lilychapters_string)
return template
def create_lilychapter_string(lilychapters):
lilychapter_string = ''
for lilychapter in lilychapters:
lilychapter_string += '{0}\n'.format(lilychapter)
return lilychapter_string
lilyfiles = find_ly_files()
songmap = build_songmap(lilyfiles)
lytex_source = build_lytex('singalongs.tex', songmap)