{ description = "rusty-cops project"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils"; naersk.url = "github:nix-community/naersk"; fenix.url = "github:nix-community/fenix"; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, naersk, fenix, flake-utils, ... }: let buildTargets = { "x86_64-linux" = { crossSystemConfig = "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"; rustTarget = "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"; }; "i686-linux" = { crossSystemConfig = "i686-unknown-linux-musl"; rustTarget = "i686-unknown-linux-musl"; }; "aarch64-linux" = { crossSystemConfig = "aarch64-unknown-linux-musl"; rustTarget = "aarch64-unknown-linux-musl"; }; "armv6l-linux" = { crossSystemConfig = "armv6l-unknown-linux-musleabihf"; rustTarget = "arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf"; }; }; eachSystem = supportedSystems: callback: builtins.foldl' (overall: system: overall // { ${system} = callback system; }) { } supportedSystems; eachCrossSystem = supportedSystems: callback: eachSystem supportedSystems ( buildSystem: builtins.foldl' ( inner: targetSystem: inner // { "cross-${targetSystem}" = callback buildSystem targetSystem; } ) { default = callback buildSystem buildSystem; } supportedSystems ); mkPkgs = buildSystem: targetSystem: import nixpkgs ( { system = buildSystem; } // ( if targetSystem == null then { } else { crossSystem.config = buildTargets.${targetSystem}.crossSystemConfig; } ) ); in flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem ( system: let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; }; rust = fenix.packages.${system}.stable; in with pkgs; { devShells.default = mkShell { buildInputs = [ mosquitto rust.toolchain rust-analyzer sea-orm-cli ]; }; } ) // { packages = eachCrossSystem (builtins.attrNames buildTargets) ( buildSystem: targetSystem: let pkgs = mkPkgs buildSystem null; pkgsCross = mkPkgs buildSystem targetSystem; rustTarget = buildTargets.${targetSystem}.rustTarget; fenixPkgs = fenix.packages.${buildSystem}; mkToolchain = fenixPkgs: fenixPkgs.stable; toolchain = fenixPkgs.combine [ (mkToolchain fenixPkgs).rustc (mkToolchain fenixPkgs).cargo (mkToolchain fenixPkgs.targets.${rustTarget}).rust-std ]; buildPackageAttrs = if builtins.hasAttr "makeBuildPackageAttrs" buildTargets.${targetSystem} then buildTargets.${targetSystem}.makeBuildPackageAttrs pkgsCross else { }; naersk-lib = pkgs.callPackage naersk { cargo = toolchain; rustc = toolchain; }; in naersk-lib.buildPackage ( buildPackageAttrs // rec { src = ./.; strictDeps = true; doCheck = false; OPENSSL_STATIC = "1"; OPENSSL_LIB_DIR = "${pkgsCross.pkgsStatic.openssl.out}/lib"; OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR = "${pkgsCross.pkgsStatic.openssl.dev}/include"; # Required because ring crate is special. This also seems to have # fixed some issues with the x86_64-windows cross-compile :shrug: TARGET_CC = "${pkgsCross.stdenv.cc}/bin/${pkgsCross.stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}cc"; CARGO_BUILD_TARGET = rustTarget; CARGO_BUILD_RUSTFLAGS = [ "-C" "target-feature=+crt-static" # -latomic is required to build openssl-sys for armv6l-linux, but # it doesn't seem to hurt any other builds. # "-C" # "link-args=-static -latomic" "-C" "linker=${TARGET_CC}" ]; } ) ); }; }