[Wiki.js](https://github.com/Requarks/wiki] with a postgres backend. # Volumes - `/home/wikijs/data` # Environment Variables ## DB_TYPE - default: postgres One of: - postgres - mysql - mariadb - mssql - sqlite In case of `sqlite`, non of the other database options are of concern. ## DB_HOST Database host. ## DB_PORT - default: 5432 Database port. ## DB_NAME - default: wikijs Database name. ## DB_USER - default: wikijs Database user. ## DB_PASSWORD Password for the database user. ## DB_SSL - default: false Whether to use ssl for the database connection. ## MAX_FILE_SIZE - default: 5242880 Maximum upload size in bytes per file. ## MAX_FILES_PER_REQUEST - default: 20 Maximum file uploads per request. # Ports - 3000