[php-fpm](https://php-fpm.org/) with PHP8. # Environment Variables ## FPMUSER - default: nobody The user which runs the fpm process. ## FPMGROUP - default: nobody The group which runs the fpm process. ## MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE - default: 512M Maximal upload size. ## PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT - default: 128M Maximum amount of memory that a script is allowed to allocate. ## PHP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME - default: 30 Execution time limit for php scripts in seconds. ## PHP_MAX_CHILDREN - default: 5 Value of `pm.max_children`. ## PHP_START_SERVERS - default: 2 Value of `pm.start_servers` ## PHP_MAX_SPARE_SERVERS - default: Value of PHP_START_SERVERS or 3 Value of `pm.max_spare_servers` ## PHP_ADMIN_VALUES Comma seperated list of php admin values. Each element is a key-value pair, seperated by an equal sign. ## PHP_ADMIN_FLAGS Comma seperated list of php admin flags. Each element is a key-value pair, seperated by an equal sign.