[Nextcloud](https://nextcloud.com/) with ldap authentication (needs a postgres database). Seperately installed apps are not persistent because there is no possibility of setting the app_path with occ. # Volumes - `/var/lib/nextcloud/data` - `/etc/nextcloud/` # Environment Variables ## DOMAIN Domain where the nextcloud instance is reachable. ## MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE - default: 512M Maximal upload size of a file. ## DB_HOST Database host. ## DB_NAME Database name. ## DB_USER Database user. ## DB_PASSWORD Password for the database user. ## DB_TABLE_PREFIX Table prefix in the database. ## IMAP_AUTH_HOST AUthentication string for the IMAP authentication. For example `mail.example.com:143/imap/tls` ## MAIL_DOMAIN Domain part in the from address for notification emails. ## MAIL_FROM Local part in the from address for notification emails. ## MAIL_SMTP_HOST SMTP host used for notification emails. ## MAIL_SMTP_PORT - default: 587 SMTP host port. ## MAIL_SMTP_SECURITY - default: tls Connection security for the SMTP host. ## MAIL_SMTP_AUTH - default: 1 Whether to use authentication with the SMTP host. ## MAIL_SMTP_AUTH_TYPE - default: PLAIN Authentication type for the SMTP host. ## MAIL_SMTP_NAME Username for SMTP authentication. ## MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD Password for SMTP authentication. ## LDAP_HOST Ldap host. ## LDAP_PORT - default: 389 Ldap port. ## LDAP_TLS Whether the ldap connection should use tls. ## LDAP_BIND_USER Bind DN to use when connecting to the ldap host. ## LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD Password to use when connecting to the ldap host. ## LDAP_LOGIN_FILTER Ldap filter to see if a user is allowed to login. `%uid` is replaces with the username. ## LDAP_USER_DISPLAY_NAME Ldap attribute for the display name. ## LDAP_USER_FILTER Ldap filter to find valid users. ## LDAP_BASE_DN Base DN of the ldap host. ## LDAP_BASE_USER_DN Base DN when searching for users. ## LDAP_BASE_GROUP_DN Base DN when looking for groups. ## LDAP_GROUP_FILTER Ldap filter to find valid groups. ## LDAP_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE Ldap attribute for the email. ## LDAP_UID_ATTRIBUTE Ldap attribute for the user id. # Ports - 80 # Capabilities - CHOWN - DAC_OVERRIDE - NET_BIND_SERVICE - FOWNER - SETGID - SETUID